Quality of Life
The concept "Quality of Life" refers to the collection of indicators that describe an individual's wellbeing. In addition to measurable components that estimate Standard of Living, like income per capita, Quality of Life also includes abstract components, like happiness, innovation, and political and economic freedom.
The concept of Quality of Life plays a central role in the disciplines of policy, economy, social sciences, and welfare. In these fields, it is axiomatic that individuals act to improve their Quality of Life. According to this view, individuals and households make decisions not only for economic reasons, but also because of cultural and moral considerations.
The Reut Institute wishes to initiate a public discourse that will identify and investigate the components of Quality of Life in Israeli society. This discourse will aid in the design of socio-economic policy.
National Leapfrog
The concept of Quality of Life plays a central role in the disciplines of policy, economy, social sciences, and welfare.
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